Saturday, October 30, 2010


Last week was the third week of my new position as an interventionist in a public school system in Lubbock. The first two weeks were mainly organizational. I got to know many of the students. This week we actually launched. I work with students in Reading, Math and Writing, in grades 1st through 5th. While it would be great to have the income and perks of a full-time job (I work full-time only Oct-April) My calling is definitelty for intervention.

My students are wonderful. Most are very intellegent and capable but have changed schools from 3 to 6 times--and some of those were 2nd graders. They are behind simply because of no continuity in their education, from being moved so much. In spite of that hardship--they are bright, eager students. I hope I have the opportunity to work with them all year.

My new school has an incredible posititive personality which makes it a delight to be there. I can't begin to tell you the thrill I feel when walking down the hall and hear a little voice whisper loudly,. "Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. Hayes," I turn to find a little smiling face and hand, waving wildy.
My 5th grade students had an "Ah Ha" moment after doing poorly on a Place Value test when we played a game using the place value chart. I showed them that they could all have aced the test--by simply drawing the chart. Their teacher had told them that many times, but since I have such small groups, I can talk to each student directly. They can have hands-on experience and individual success, by asking me all sorts of questions they would not ask in the classroom. I don't know who enjoys their success more--them or me.
I alway thought I wanted a classroom teaching job, but now realize I have found my niche.