Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Blog

After blogging for two years I have come to realize that my blog has no cool fonts.  I must figure out how to change that!

We went out to the house today to check on progress.  Everything that had been stained, was covered in green paper and a  dull white fog engulfed the inside of the house--still painting.  Tomorrow we should be able to see the stained steps and the painted stair rails together.  The finishing touches are being put on.  The only thing lacking at this point are the light fixtures, the spa tub in the master, painting the walls, and exterior and the faucets. 

And---our current house still has not sold.  I have felt from the start that this house would not sell until it was time to move into our new house.  God has a way of waiting on these things until the time is right--it has happened before, and it will happen that way again.

On the up side,we still have 'ole Geezer softball--oops I mean Senior League softball to keep us entertained.   Jim really enjoys it, but it takes him the whole week to recover, and then he has to play another game.  There is a guy on the team in his late 80s.  He only plays 2 innings each game--but I wonder, how does  he do it?

Yoda Beth snoozing on the loud roary thing (the saw).  It was unplugged (whew!)

Yoda is on the down side of 12 years old now.  She is not too interested in anything but sleeping.  While Jim was working on the new fence Yoda--wanting to be close found a place to sleep--I don't think she realized she was sleeping on loud roary thing (the saw) that had been scaring her out of the garage all day :)

It rained every day last week.  The animals were stir crazy. Skye laid around bored, just staring.  She wanted us to entertain her.  Besides some low frisbee tosses in the house there was not really much for her to do but sqeak all of her squeaky toys which got old ----fast, at least for us people.
And then there was Boomer--who wanted to fill his rainy days by eating.  Every time I turned around he was on the stool at the breakfast bar, screaming for a snack.  He couldn't pass Skye without hissing and slapping at her.

The clouds still linger but we are all hoping for some sunny weather and a house sale-----SOON.