We are moved into the new house. I never knew we had so much junk--one thing about it, it will make for a doozy of a garage sale! One of my young neighbors, after looking in our garage, told me she loves to do garage sales and maybe I would like to participate---oh yeahhhh.
This is the living room. It is pretty much in order--most of the pictures hung--some of Jim parents I still want to include in my black and white grouping.
There is actually a lot of landscaping--with two rows of shrubs--one high and one low--I guess they look bigger from the window :)
The porch. We have sat out on the porch every night and had a neighbor join us. Everyone is so friendly, since we have moved so much we have missed "connections". I think we will have some here. I have had wet hair every time I have met someone since I swim laps every evening. They won't recognize me with my hair dry.
My welcome mat. My college roommate, Janis and her husband John sent this to us for a house warming gift. She is my dearest friend and the closest person I will ever have to a sister. The rug has green in it that is just the color of the green in the house. I love it!!
Looking into the entry from the living room. It is going to be so much fun to decorate for Christmas!!
Another view of the living room.
The dining room and our outside dining porch. Surprisingly we have eaten all of our meals so far, outside. It has gotten cooler and by evening is really pleasant.
We are soooo pooped from the move. I don't know what we would have done if our daughter Erin hadn't deicded to come last weekend. It was wonderful for her to help us and even more great to get to spend some time with her.